Sunday, August 26, 2018

Summer, Northwest Style

Sunset from our dock
Hummingbird attracter

Our NW dinghy

Not much yield but fun to grow San Marzanos

Our backyard - you can see how much the water line changes with the tide

Taken by our neighbor at their party on 8/24
The Willamette River, downtown Portland while working on the BrewBarge in July

2 sheep troughs yield more veggies!

A private tour at the Japanese Garden
courtesy of our old neighbor at the moorage
Bringing artwork from
our rental home

View of Portland from the Japanese Garden, above the city

Our resident heron watching for dinner

Dang beavers ripping branches from
the shore and swimming our way

Washing our Chacos when we arrived back in Portland
All spiffed up for a wedding
Greetings to all our friends!
Lots of bunnies on the island, they are fearless - and cute
Mike inflating our new paddleboard
Our summer in photos seemed the best way to share our latest news. We are both doing great, thankful for our health, friends and for the many jobs that keep us hopping this summer.

Mike sold his kayak and bought a paddleboard so a new sport for us to learn.

Northwest fires, like so many other places, are causing bad air quality and we're thankful for the many firefighters who are working hard to protect land and people. In fact, today Mike filled in teaching an advanced sailing class for an instructor at Passion Yachts who was called away to his firefighting duties.

We look forward to returning to Pura Vida and Guaymas come November. We've had some work done on the boat during our absence which we also look forward to seeing. The transmission's been rebuilt by Omar, new ports in the salon (this time installed by someone other than us!), and the glassing over of the hull / deck joint around the entire perimeter to get rid of the sporadic leaks.

And we just decided in celebration of our 11th wedding anniversary that we're going to Spain and Italy for 2 weeks in October. We are anxious to visit Concha, the foreign exchange student who lived with us for a year in 1962! She and her family live in Valencia and await our arrival. We also plan to visit Venice to hopefully connect with our friends Stefano and Francesca at Stormwater Italia.

Please drop us a note and let us know how you're doing. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
A reminder of what we'll be going back to in November - boat yoga!


  1. Great photos Judy, especially can relate to the boat yoga!

    Look forward to keeping in touch as I trust our paths will cross again. Always enjoyed working with you.

    Happy travels.

    Wayne and I begin our sojourn East October 9th.

  2. Thanks for the update and photos; life looks lovely in Portland! Laura & I spent 5 weeks at the North Dakota farm & are now back in smokey No California. In Oct I'm meeting Tom & Kim on Exit Strategy in Madagascar & will help them sail south around the Cape of Good Hope and on to CapeTown. Plan to return to Companera in February and hope to see you then.

  3. Wonderful pictures Judy! It was great to see you earlier this month. Let's try for another meet-up before you leave in November. Mary B
