Friday, August 30, 2024

You had me at “Pig Sty”

So, full credit for this story goes to Kevan, our long-time cruising friend. While enjoying tacos together at our fave place in La Paz in April, he shared that he was planning to stay at a pig sty, a remodeled pig farm outside of Lisbon, Portugal. Intrigued, we asked for details and said, yes, we’d also like to have that experience! I mean, who wouldn’t want to stay in a pig sty!? He shared the contact info for his long time British friends who’d purchased the property some time back and spent years turning the farm into a series of deluxe ‘cabins’. Each room is themed for an ocean they’d traversed during their boating careers. We are anxious to meet them and delighted to have this upcoming experience in October.

"armed" and ready at the Grand Canyon
But I get ahead of myself. I’ll quickly tell our summer stories first. For me, summer focused on my June 20th hand surgery to rebuild my right hand. It’s a story of wear and tear and a lot of years of using a mouse probably didn't help … Now, two months into the healing process, I am making progress to hopefully regain full use within the year. I’d say fingers crossed, but like many activities I am unable to perform at this juncture, that’s easier said than done!
Amazing yields from our garden

Workwise, no retail for us! I continue with my two marketing clients, both for 24+ years. With Mike officially retired, he has been enjoying his freedoms of choice. As always, he’s an amazing caregiver and I am greatly appreciative of his assistance with the simplest tasks (like opening containers, zip lock bags, doors).

Thunderheads bringing rain - incredible views
from our friends' cabin
In July, we traveled to Arizona to share in the celebration of our friends’ 20 years together, spending time in the mountains near Show Low in the eastern part of the state – cooler at elevation. Great thunderheads and big rainstorms were a treat. We started with three amazing days on our first visit to the Grand Canyon! 
Tons of hummers at Hannagan Meadows 
Lodge near NM border

I could post lots more Grand Canyon pics!

Spectacular, hiking, walking and even more incredible vistas when viewed from a Bell 340 helicopter ride across the canyon. We also spent two days in the magical Sedona area, wine tasting, hiking and exploring the petroglyphs, etc.

Fabulous summer eve - paella dinner in Carlton
My original blog title was: Coincidence or Fate? as we’ve had so many experiences of late that made me smile and wonder how they came to pass. Happening upon a new vintage release party at Grand
Travel far, drink local

Canyon Wine Company in Williams, AZ where Mike won the half gallon (!) of Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce, final ticket of the drawing there. Having the courage to ask about exchanging it (tacky, I thought, but I was encouraged by the servers), I approached the winner if she would consider it. She is in the midst of downsizing and wondered how she’d get rid of her prize so it was a win-win - I got a fun, carry-on friendly, appetizer dish set and her tablemates were thrilled to get the BBQ sauce… ; getting the last helicopter ride before a big thunderstorm hit at the Grand Canyon – dark gray clouds descended quickly and the view disappeared, giant drops of rain pummeled the windscreen as we landed and soaked us as we ran to the hangar... ; being invited to a winemaker's dinner – at his home – where we got to name the new baby sheep and enjoyed paella he'd prepped on a wood fire in a barrel… ; scoring the best of the hand surgeons and hand therapists at Ortho Specialists, well, that's what I believe … ; and the chance to meet up with friends who will also be in Spain in October. 

Maybe they are coincidence or maybe fate – however they happen, I am thankful for these special moments.

On September 9th, we head to Madeira, Portugal for scuba diving, where we’ll meet longtime friends who now live in Virginia. Who knew that this small volcanic island, famous for Madeira wine, also boasts some incredible diving experiences – or so we hope to discover. While there, we will participate in the annual Wine Harvest Events. I’ve written to the organizers who are looking for volunteers to help with the crush and other tasks.

We’ll follow that with 5 days at the pig sty (report to follow!)😊, then take the train to Madrid and Valencia where we’ll meet up with 2 sets of traveling friends from different paths in our lives.

Luis on WhatsApp
check-in call

Pura Vida awaits us in Mazatlan, Sinaloa. Our two local service providers, Luis and Angel, have been caring for our boat each month, sending photos and videos to demonstrate that she’s doing well and happy being afloat. What a huge change from the hot, desert environment we’ve had every year in Guaymas, Sonora to the north. There are a lot of logistics we'll be working out with the boat being further south.  

After a visit with my family in October, God willing, we’ll be heading south.

Long Beach frying pan
Sand sculpture, left from the contest
Celebrating Tony's BD @ Long Beach

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