Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving from ... Guaymas, Sonora!

Mt Shasta - inspiring, great views 

Leaving Las Vegas, dinghy drag meant lower mileage
pile o' stuff before loading up the Ford
Janis & Greg - requesting we find their fave bags of enchilada sauce. We'll search!
Hiking with Jerid & Scott in Palm Springs

Thanks for the wine, Kelly & Jeff sipped with Cathy!
We arrived gleeful and ready to get out of the car after 10 days travelling south. The dirt yard at Marina Seca Guaymas beckoned, we were welcomed by the Jorge the guard and the 3 weed-eating sheep who keep the yard “mowed”, quickly followed by the yard workers, Andres, Alejandro and Roberto, all anxious to tell us in rapid fire Spanish how they’ve saved our boat on the night of Hurricane Newton! Turns out, they did save our bacon, as our 3 tight fitting covers which are intended for sun protection, couldn’t handle the windage of up to 140 KM / hr winds on that stormy night. They were at our boat at 3AM, cutting the strings and stopping the swaying of the boat on her stands. While I lost some of the Spanish, it sure sounded like she was close to a tip… and they held her and also had to move some stands as the mud didn’t provide good holding. Wow. We are thankful and provided gifts to acknowledge their fortitude of working through the night protecting us and many boats in our yard. That wasn’t the case with a few other boats whose stories weren’t so sweet.
Marion & Theo - our gracious San Carlos hosts
Pura Vida: a sight for sore eyes!
Deep muddy ruts required the yard workers to move our boat stands
Guard station at Fonatur yard - got a paint can?
Mike looking down!
We both went up the mast today. Me first, unsuccessfully, then Mike did the required repairs!
But I get ahead of myself. We had a superb trip south, just a lot of (slower) miles with the dinghy up top, meandering through CA, NV, AZ and CA again, finally arriving Sonora after visiting friends and swapping stories. A great time – thanks to all of our hosts! And now we celebrate good times and life in the dirt yard with many other cruising friends. It is a special place working on your boat in a arid desert environment, and not for everyone, this we know.
5 newly crafted ports - ready for installation
We’ve spent the last few days working our way through dust plus too much stuff brought with us, stowing and dispositioning items that seemed so important when we created our lists last spring! And now on to projects that will bring us safety and security on board. New set up for the generator, 5 new ports to be installed (leaking ports are never a welcome thing on a boat), redefined anchor locker config and well, the list is long and the hours will be long. It’s why we’re here and thankful for every day in the Mexican sun. Morning walks to the bay to count waterfowl, warm tortillas and fresh fish, butterflies, the sound of banda music and barking dogs, holiday displays of lard. Welcome to Guaymas!

We enjoyed the first of the parades on Independence day. Everyone’s included and the parades go on forever.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Enthralled parade goers

Cute little Mexican flag girls, dancing

Lots of marching in uniform 

Unusual musical instruments, 30 strong

Traditional Yaqui Indian dance
Check out the parade shoes!

Oh, and it's about 85 degrees. No sweat.

Tons of pick ups filled with giant speakers!

Waiting for the dancers in front of them


  1. So nice to hear from you both! Glad you made it safely, and that Pura Vida is ok. Happy Thanksgiving to you both - we miss you!

  2. Hope you are enjoying your time in the sun! It is cold and gloomy here so that should make you feel better. Loved seeing you guys and hope you can stop on your way back.

  3. Nice pics!! Good to hear Pura Vida survived Newton. Happy and safe sailing you two. Dave & Cathy.

  4. Love the pics!! Especially the rifle toting belles! :0D
    Warm holiday wishes and calm seas to you both!

  5. Finally opened my Gmail, love the adventure.
    Safe Journey's and Happy Holidays!
